Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Leopard Upgrade

Upgrading from Tiger to Leopard overall was a very smooth process. I did the archive previous installation method, as recommended to me by a friend. After the installation was complete, Parallels would not let me move the previous installation to DVD, as the application did not have correct privileges. I then tar'd the data at the Unix prompt (after cd'ing to the previous install subdirectory) to prepare the various previous installation files for DVD archive:

imac:~ adam$ sudo tar -cvzf /Volumes/Disk\ Image/private.tgz ./private

Compression allowed me to fit all of the data on 2 DVDs.

There were a couple of applications that were not transferred during the upgrade.  Some application functionality is now in Leopard itself and others just do not work in the new OS.  Your best bet is to do your research prior to the upgrade and see what can be kept.  If an application behaves differently after the upgrade, reinstall it.

I am currently investigating all of the new features. Many of the features are well-liked.

Razer Diamondback issues
Driver: Razer Pro|Click V1.6, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Driver v1.6.7
Buttons 5 and 7 (right-hand side of the mouse) did not work when I logged in. If I switched to another user account and then switched back to my account, all mouse buttons would work.

Found that the mouse driver install did not remove prior installations. After removing all references and reinstalling, the mouse came back to life.

See the MacRumors support forums for more info.

Leopard Reviews

Leopard Tips & Tweaks

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