Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Safari Cover Flow

In a recent SafariStand update, SafariStand brings Cover Flow to browser history.  Nice, but what about using Finder to browse/search in Coverflow along with Quicklook?  Mackindergarten has released a great tutorial on accessing Safari history from the Finder sidebar using SafariStand.

One problem noted with this method is that it is tied to a specific directory, (home) > Library > Caches > Metadata > Safari > History.  Apple may change the Safari cache location in a future Safari release.  Then again, they may not.  An alternative approach would be to use a non-location-based Smart Folder retrieve all of the "Safari" system components and view them in Finder/Coverflow.

First, click the space bar in the Spotlight search box in Finder.  Create a Finder query for the excluded system areas.  Delete the criteria (space) from the Spotlight box and click Save to create a Smart Form named "System Files".  Make sure the Add to Sidebar option is selected.

Next, select the first Smart Form in the left-hand side of Finder window.  Again, click the space bar in the Spotlight search box in Finder.  Select System Files for the Search: option and then click the plus (+) icon to add another criteria row.  Select "Kind is Other _____".  In the empty box, type Safari.  Now, click Save  to create a Smart Form named "Safari"

You can now select the Safari Smart Form and easily search/browse through Safari web history and bookmarks.  As a bonus, the System Files Smart Form can also be used to perform Finder Spotlight searches within the system files.

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