Monday, April 21, 2008

Making Spotlight searches faster

Just after upgrading to Leopard, Spotlight was super-fast. After a few months, the speed has drastically gone downhill. Perhaps some of the Leopard fixes impacted Spotlight's speed? I then tweaked the Spotlight preferences a bit. If "Webpages" is unselected in the Spotlight preferences, my total search time is cut in about half. must be my web cache. I tried keeping the setting turned off and separating web searches to Google Desktop, but it does not have the same effect. Safari history cover flow is great, even if it is in Finder.

So my second choice is to keep the setting selected, but move "Webpages" to the bottom of the Spotlight preferences list. This appears to help. As long as I am not searching for a webpage, results return quickly.

Another tweak involves removing unnecessary Spotlight indexing.  For example, an external hard drive used for Time Machine backups would probably not need indexing.  You may also monitor the size of the Spotlight index file to see the net effect of indexing exclusions.

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