Saturday, January 26, 2008

OS X Backups

The following backup options were mentioned during a recent MacBreak weekly. I have expanded them and added some commentary. An interesting comparison was made a couple of years ago in regards to metadata handling by OS X backup tools.

Time Machine and Time Capsule
Time Machine is painless, but lacks flexibility

Synchronization backups
Synchronization backups are easy, but make sure you mix this in with incremental backups. There are many 3rd-party tools available.
rsynkX -- this is a free OS X utility built on top of the rsync Unix command.

Ready-NAS, Linksys
Network Backups are good for multiple computers, but difficult for the general public to setup and maintain

Internet Backup
This is offsite storage and is recommended if you can do it
.mac or JungleDisk are recommended, but this method is slow and not cost effective for large amounts of data, such as all of the data on your hard drives.
rsyncX can backup over the Internet

Fully-bootable backups/disk cloning
SuperDuper is creating Time Machine addons, but still not available for Leopard as of 1/26/2008.
rsyncX can create bootable backups

Drobo -- RAID for the masses

Offsite storage
Offsite storage is key. Even if you do not use online backups, it is not a bad idea to leave backups at your workplace, under lock and key, if needed.

My comments were added to the MBW picks forum.

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